Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Month and Counting!

I can't believe we have officially been "waiting" for over 1 month now. Eventhough it's only been a short time, it I actually feels good to be beyond the paperchase and waiting with a purpose. With Scott being in Haiti this week, his heart is breaking and longing for our son. He has met many who have lost so much. He has seen the faces that have no family. He was inspired by a man who was an orphan himself and has returned to Haiti with a purpose in mind-THE ORPHAN. What a beautiful purpose! We press on.. we wait...we pray..and we dream.


  1. We just passed a month as well. Praying the next few months aren't too difficult for both of us!

  2. Yay, it's already been a month!! Time's a tickin'! Loving you guys and walking this road with you!

  3. Ha! I was wondering why she had that shirt on yesterday, I just figured it was from her 1 year old birthday a while back! You are so creative Mollie!!
