Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hague Training....Check!

Last night, Scott and I finally completed our last 2 hours of on-line Hague Training. ( Our adoption agency requires 8 hours of inter-country adoption training and 2 hours of specific-country training. ) Every little bit we can do helps in keeping our minds active in this waiting period. The average wait time for a child in our age bracket is 8 to 9 months. However, referrals seem to be slowing down due to the new travel laws. I am hopeful....we could get the phone call any day now. During this season, I am praying continually for a right PERSPECTIVE. I truly want to focus on the Baby in the manger while praying for our baby in ethiopia. Until then, my cup overflows with gratitude. I am so very thankful for my sweet hubby, precious girls, and the life I have been given.

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