Monday, March 22, 2010

Bitter Sweet!

Well, the rollercoaster begins. On Saturday, we received our CIS Approval Letter! HOORAY!!!!! We were so excited! Typically this is the last piece of information you receive during the paperchase. However, today I received word from FBI that my second set of fingerprints were illegible. (I found out last week that first set didn't clear) Apparently , I have no fingerprints! So we are working on " Plan C." I know God's timing is perfect and this is all apart of the process. So I will wait patiently as I saturate my hands with Corn Huskers Lotion. Maybe the third time will be a charm!


  1. Oh Mollie, I'm so sorry. Praying the third time IS the charm!!

  2. All the years of OCD-ness erased your fingerprints! But it sounds like this is the perfect time to pull off a bank heist or steal the Hope Diamond (:

    Looking forward to a post with your fingerprints all over it (:

  3. Hey Pages! Was just alerted to your blogsite. Excited about your journey to Ethiopia (and hope that fingerprint issue gets worked out soon!).

    The Moretons (Siloam Springs)
    Home with 13-mnth-old Scarlett Lele (China) since January 29, 2010!!! (

    March 31, 2010 9:04 AM

  4. I had the same problem when I came back to AR for a teaching license as OK used digital scans, but when real ink was used, ta-da...fingerprints! I hope you become smudgy real soon!
